Real Grass & Installation

Real Grass & Installation

Grass is the familiar name given to the family of plants known as the graminae. The graminae family consists of over 6,000 species, making it one of the largest in life. Though it may not seem obvious, even lawn grass contains the building blocks of all plant life: stems, roots, leaves, and yes, flowers.

Although there are a multitude of turfgrass brands, there are basically types of grass: Cool and Warm Season Grasses with each type better suited to particular climates as Las Vegas

Our Climate Grass Types

  • Tall fescue

Tall fescue grass has been used traditionally as a low maintenance grass in areas where a coarser texture is not objectionable. This grass species is coarser textured than the other recommended turfgrass species.

  • Bermuda grass

Bermuda grass more suitable for warm climates and is a major turf species for lawns, sports fields, parks, golf courses, and general utility turfs.

  • Zoysia

Zoysia grass is extremely drought tolerant. Although it does turn straw colored under severe drought conditions, it has the capacity to respond to subsequent irrigation or rainfall.

The secret to grass, if there is one, is the fact that it all its growing takes place from what is known as the crown: a part of the stem that is at or near the surface of the ground. Adaptability Helps Lawns Grass is adaptable and relatively easy to garden. You can mow a lawn and as long as the crown level isn't affected, the grass grows back. Likewise, if you grow grass and slice it from the ground as turf, as long as the crown remains intact, the roots underneath can be sliced through below their tips.

Grass reproduces by the seeding process, but also by stems that emanate from the crown. Stems that grow above the surface are called stolons. Stems below the surface are called rhizomes. At risk of being incredibly reductive, grass growing is simply about protecting the crown of each grass blade.

Grass is one element in the landscape that you can easily walk on without causing damage.


Landscaping - Real Grass & Installation